Julian Assange: Guilty?
https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/54cace557e4b004120bd2187/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/image.jpg ELISE COBY The Breakdown: Based on our class discussion, my view of Julian Assange got put in a very new, and questionable perspective. The Australian activist, editor, publisher, and Co-founder of WikiLeaks h as remained a controversial topic for nearly ten years over the argument of his questionable captivity ove r telling the truth with no actual charges held against him. Previously, Assange has been found guilty of hacking activities and yet managed to avoid jail time. Then, in 2006 with the co-founding of WikiLeaks, thousands of classified documents including anything from film to national security to war had been published. Most controversially, the leak of Chelsea Mannings documents which contained the killing of hundreds of civilians went unreported. According to BBC News's article, " Julian Assange: Why is the Wikileaks co-founder a wanted man ?", 66...