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What Is the Transhistoric Relationship Between the Press and the Government in a Society Aspiring to Democracy? Good Night, and Good Luck film by George Clooney Brief Summary: In 1946, a former aircraft crewman during World War II is elected to represent Wisconsin in the United States Senate. Notably, his methods would become infamous in American history, known today as " McCarthyism." Senator Joseph McCarthy manages to escape isolation and rises to become an influential and aggressively feared public figure. This is due to his aggressive attacks on Communism and the fear that it struck in many people given the fact that it began to ruin the careers and lives of public figures and civilians simultaneously for any shown adherence to communist ideologies. George Clooney's film Good Night, and Good luck portrays the story of two television newscasters who put their careers and reputations on the line to challenge McCarthy's authority. The story highlights the benef...